Service | Bets | SR% | SP Profit | BSP Profit | POT% | VBP |
SP2A - The Advisor | 101 | 30.7 | 34.04 | 49.34 | 48.9 | 615 | Best Bets | 159 | 18.9 | -21.61 | 20.90 | 13.1 | 413 |
Racing Nation Noteworthy | 162 | 35.2 | -8.87 | -1.15 | -0.7 | 273 |
Perfect Result | 81 | 32.1 | 1.55 | 5.15 | 6.4 | 235 |
The UK HRE - Racing Riches | 266 | 25.2 | -36.97 | -11.70 | -4.4 | 217 |
NoNoBets | 345 | 12.2 | -50.17 | -10.91 | -3.2 | 180 |
SP2A - Northern and AW expert | 257 | 24.5 | -16.20 | 29.83 | 11.6 | 113 |
SP2A - Robin Taylor | 147 | 24.5 | 12.67 | 47.72 | 32.5 | 88 |
SP2A - Place Spotter | 155 | 21.3 | -45.53 | -33.50 | -21.6 | 67 |
Worldwide Tipping Services | 167 | 26.3 | -13.04 | -3.80 | -2.3 | -86 |
Horse Exchange Betting Tips | 339 | 21.5 | -15.43 | 25.08 | 7.4 | -137 |
SP2A - Daily Tips | 402 | 24.6 | -47.27 | 12.75 | 3.2 | -141 |
SP2A - Mentions | 665 | 24.8 | -151.67 | -84.11 | -12.6 | -206 |
HarrisonBets | 211 | 21.8 | -28.98 | -15.19 | -7.2 | -257 |
Northern Monkey Punter | 272 | 28.7 | -24.20 | -6.47 | -2.4 | -297 |
SP2A - Tracker Accumulator | 866 | 22.3 | -213.16 | -118.08 | -13.6 | -434 |
SP2A - Michael Gould Showcase | 250 | 18.4 | -91.68 | -82.72 | -33.1 | -631 |
Stable Winners | 415 | 19.3 | -95.83 | -74.16 | -17.9 | -791 | Layer Slayer | 3829 | 4.3 | -1,323.08 | -429.39 | -11.2 | -1311 |
SP2A - The Speculator | 628 | 20.7 | -175.87 | -92.04 | -14.7 | -1703 |
SR% = Success Rate % (e.g. an each-way bet that returns a profit is classed as a success even if the horse doesn't win the race).
SP Profit = Total profit to 1 point level stakes, based on Starting Prices.
BSP Profit = Total profit to 1 point level stakes based on Betfair Starting Prices.
POT% = Profit On Turnover (BSP Profit / Total Staked)
VBP = Variable Bet Profits based on Betfair SPs.
When betting on Betfair you'll need to take into account the commission they charge, between 2 - 5%. Enter a value to see the effect commission has on performance. The figures in the above table assume commission of 5%.